Sinds een aantal maanden plaats ik dagelijks uitspraken van bekende christelijke schrijvers en voorgangers. Ik word er iedere keer weer bemoedigd door en wilde dat graag met jullie delen.
Ik weet dat sommige van jullie al zijn bemoedigd door deze onderstaande bemoedigingen en aanmoedigingen, maar had het op mijn hart om er vandaag een aantal te bundelen in een blog. Laat je gedachten langs de uitspraken gaan en laat je opbouwen vandaag. Ik geloof dat er veel kracht achter deze woorden schuilt. Wees allen gezegend met de inspirerende uitspraken van Joyce Meyer.
The more you talk about your problems, the more unhappy you will make yourself.
Stop looking to everyone else to make you happy and start finding ways that you can make other people happy.
If you want to enjoy your life, keep your tongue from evil.
Your words not only affect your level of joy, but the joy of all those around you.
A thankful attitude releases so much joy in your life. Wherever you go, give thanks to God!
You cannot flirt with sin. Every addiction starts with a bad habit.
Every time you make a choice to do the right thing, the next time it gets a little easier.
We can change. By the grace of God, we can begin making right choices and developing new habits that will bring us the life we desire.
God has a good plan for your life. You haven’t missed the boat and you aren’t too late!
If you stay busy thinking about right things, the devil won’t be able to fill your mind with wrong things.
You are not what you feel—you are what you believe. Your feelings will catch up if you’re steadfast in your belief.
We’re more than feelings. We don’t have to live by how we feel and what we want
A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you.
God will never give up on you. Never forget that. (1 Corinthians 1:9)
Spending time with God is the key to our strength and success in all areas of life.
Practicing peace is one of the best ways you can defeat the devil.
Groeten Rob
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hans says:
Few of them really have
touched my heart, god was speaking.
irma says:
like this very much