Carry on – stop complaining!

Vandaag een overdenking in het engels geschreven door Joyce Meyer. Geregeld plaats ik op Twitter, Facebook en Hyves krachtige uitpraken van Joyce Meyer. Ik las deze onderstaande overdenking en kon het niet beter dan haar verwoorden. Het is in gemakkelijk Engels geschreven, dus ik hoop dat jullie gesterkt en aangemoedigd worden door deze overdenking. De overdenking die ik de afgelopen twee weken schreef sluiten hier behoorlijk mooi op aan. Wees gezegend allen! Een goed weekend toegewenst! Groeten Rob

Free to Think Positive Thoughts

This scripture shows us how important it is to think healthy, positive thoughts about ourselves. You cannot love life if you’re always thinking negative thoughts. If you struggle with this, I encourage you to make up your mind to work toward changing your way of thinking. I’ve found the best way to become a positive thinker is to ask God for a lot of help—and to ask for it often.

That’s really the hardest part of being set free from negativism: admitting that it’s a problem and asking God for help. But once you do that, you can overcome it because according to the Bible, you’re a new person in Christ (see 2 Corinthians 5:17).

Many people are afraid to hope because they’ve been hurt so much in life. Their philosophy is: “If I don’t expect anything good to happen, I won’t be disappointed if it doesn’t.”

That’s how I used to think. I had encountered so much disappointment and I was afraid to be positive. When I began to study the Word and trust God to restore me, I realized my negative thoughts had to go.

We need to practice positive thoughts in every situation. If you’re going through a difficult time, expect that God will work things out for your good. As a Christian, it’s time for you to fight for your thoughts, because your mind won’t automatically come into agreement with God’s plans.

I encourage you to spend time examining His Word and comparing it to your thought life. Give God time to help you put your thoughts in line with His. He showed me how to be a more positive person, and He’ll show you how to be one too.

Prayer Starter: God, I admit that I struggle with negative thoughts and I need Your help. Line my thoughts up with Your Word. In every situation, remind me that You will work things out for my good.

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  1. Carolien schreef:

    Helemaal mee eens! Paulus zegt ook dat we al onze gedachten als gevangenen bij Jezus moeten brengen zodat Hij ze weg kan nemen. Alle gedachten! Hij maakt ze schoon, heilig en daardoor kunnen wij die negatieve gedachten overwinnen!

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